
He shared his music and also how God saved him and healed him from a cancer in his tonue.

Some of the 3W Team on this blessed day.

Nate Tatman preaching on Matthew 16:20
Jesus said: I'll build my Church.

Click on
the image to be redirected to the 3W Web Site.
May God
bless all of you.
On September 14th in Naples (Italy) Franklin Graham (BGEA) will preach the Gospel.
Please pray that many people can be saved.

September 28th Concert with Nico Battaglia.

Last visit in our church from Patrick and Jamie Nachtigall.
We are gratefull for their ministry around the world, in Europe and, specally, in Italy.
May God bless and guide you all.
(Patrick preached in Italian)

Sunrise Service - Easter 2024

Time of fellowship on Easter Monday

Leterally thousands show up in both night.
Hundreds got saved.
Glory to God!

On Sunday Nov. 27th Patrick and Jamie Nachtigall came to visit us.
Patrick preached and Riccardo (former AU student) translated.
Nachtigall arrived safely middle July. They will serve and help the "Church
of God in Arco" (Northern Italy).
pray for them.

Franklin Graham during the NoiFestival in Rome 4-5 November 2023
At his side his son Will and Pastor Skip Heitzig (Canada)

A group from Anderson University visiting us on Sunday
May 15th 2022 with Aurora and Brent Doster.

Our welcome to the new 3W Regional Coordinator: Nathan and Stacy Tatman.
our God bless and guide you in this new ministry.
never forget what Patrick and Jamie Nachtigall did for us.

On Sept. 21st 2019 we
ordained Marcos Lovaglio as Pastor of the Church of God in Arco (N. Italy)

3W Team.
Praise God for this great group.
Please continue to pray and support them.

Dan deliver the message on
Saturday, and Zac preached on Sunday.
Tri - S in Italy.
May God bless you!!!

Alejandro and Carmen De Francisco
They are serving the Lord in Madrid - Spain

Kihm, after six years in Holland, will move to Hungary - Budapest.
for them.
more information: